Contributor Guidlines.

Why do readers come to Diversity United?
Let’s ask one:

The issues Diversity United addresses are imperative and relevant; they produce and promote good content for diverse backgrounds; covering issues in a real way. Diversity United is not for the promotion of one particular group and they include an array of voices in their efforts to ensure a true sample of various populations.

Diversity United connects with practical, provocative, and relevant food-for-thought for diverse communities because our writers are practical, provocative, and exceptionally considerate.

We invite pitches on diversity efforts and trends, finances, health, sports, education, workplaces, and topics that intertwine with diversity and inclusion in our organizations in areas like human resources, executive leadership teams, board governance, opportunities and mid-level management. We love and welcome fresh perspectives and interesting conversations; we aim to share the real side of things with our readers and cover the topics they can’t find elsewhere.

Our audience comes to us for tactical, practical information and insights; ideas that practices, sports teams, schools, and corporation can quickly read and put into action.

Editorial Requirements

  • Target word count can be anywhere from 300-2000 words.

  • Write for easy online reading. Use subheads and bullet points and avoid long text blocks.

  • Articles must be original but may be adapted from something else you’ve written.

  • Attribute content drawn from other sources.

  • Style: Insight, perspective, advice, case study, first-person perspectives, checklists, quizzes.

  • Send your article here: Submit an article.



We publish articles on community and business related issues with insightful commentary, inspiring/surprising stories with practical tips, compelling interviews, and poignant or interesting self-reflective pieces. Our articles range from budgeting 101 to diverse and underprivileged communities, board management, to managing HR and employment issues. Please visit us online ( to become familiar with our content categories. Although articles should be between 300-2,000 words, longer articles may be accepted and serialized.


Diversity United hosts’ multiple columns. We invite you to submit articles, suggestions, and questions to the columns below.

  • #DiversitySolutions. Did you discover a creative, ambitious, or inspiring way to tackle an issue facing Diversity and/or Inclusion in sports, workplaces, health, or education? To submit an article to our #DiversitySolutions column, provide a brief synopsis describing the subject of the case study on the first page. Please highlight the issue your submission addresses and the conclusions it draws. Don’t hesitate to submit negative outcomes; this is a safe place to learn from mistakes! Diversity United is about solving complex problems, so submitting to this column is a great opportunity to provide solutions as well as touch on on-going concerns that our community of readers can address.

  • #CommunityTrailblazers. We invite individuals to contribute articles to our #CommunityTrailblazers column, which showcases individuals working and tackling a wide range of issues and sharing their top lessons learned after an act of service, experience, or accomplishment to/from a diverse or underprivileged community. #CommunityTrailblazers is designed to highlight the ground-breaking and major achievements of individuals from diverse and underprivileged communities around the world.

  • #SowToGrow. Our column consists of interviews with emerging leaders who have sown positive seeds into the foundation of a community while challenging old patterns and assumptions to successfully and demonstrably empower communities to grow and develop. This column is not shy about challenging readers to think outside the box. We welcome suggestions for candidates to interview.

  • #SolidFoundations. Want to share a story about a friend or someone you know who’s doing an amazing job in life? Our popular column highlights the efforts that individuals in communities across the world are making to help and assist other individuals with building #SolidFoundations. We welcome all to contribute to this column.

Letters to the Editor

We accept Letters to the Editor on topics of importance about diverse and/or underprivileged communities in sports, workplaces, health, and/or educational institutions. Please keep Letters to the Editor under 1,000 words.